- Collect unwanted DVDs from friends, family and work colleagues and arrange for us to collect them. We can resell them at events and carboot sales (no videos though, these are not selling!)
- Buy some cloakroom tickets and a cheap bottle of champagne (often £10 from supermarkets). Have a raffle on a Friday at work (with some cakes perhaps?), deduct the cost of champagne and tickets and you may find that you have raised £25 – £30 pounds quite painlessly!
- Have a look in your shed or garage – do you have an old door or cupboard that is taking up room but is no longer needed? Stick it in the local paper for £10 or so and clear some space.
- If you have a local curry house or other favourite restaurant, speak to them about doing a set menu (normally £8 or £9 on a quiet night) and sell tickets to friends and colleagues for a bit more (say £12.50?). If you add in a raffle, we have found that we can easily make £300 plus if we get approx. 30 people along. Everyone always has a good time too.
- Can you speak to your workplace about donating a raffle prize for one of our events?
- Can you hold a stall or event at a local fair/car boot sale? We can often help with stuff to sell, or if you don’t feel up to running a stall yourself, let us know of good opportunities and events where the charity can hold a stall.
- Are you involved in holding a school disco? Sell glowsticks and glow jewellery in aid of an operation. These are very cheap and sell well.
- Is your birthday coming up but you don’t really have anything in mind to request? You could ask for a contribution to go towards a spinal operation. We can provide information on the child that we are seeking to support.
- Hold a fundraising dinner/barbecue at home. Keep it simple. People are normally happy to pay £8 or so for a bowl of chilli and a social occasion. If you also hold a small raffle as well, you may find that you have raised in the region of £100 with 10/12 friends and had a great time too.
- Could you hold a themed event of some kind in aid of the charity? – a pamper night, a wine-tasting evening, a golf tournament, country walk, football match, quiz night?
Photo credits: Tom Bradley Photography; Timur Bekir/THET 2013; Sickle Cell Carer's Awareness Network